Pennsylvania Beagle Gundog Federation
Clubs listed alphabetically. Scroll up and down to see clubs Beechton through Jacobus
For trial dates, see Schedule tab
51 Beagle Club Rd, Mill Hall, PA
President: Seth Shoemaker - 570-295-2132
Vice President: Bryan Courter - 570-660-8899
Secretary: Michael Walker - 570-295-4012
Treasurer: Michael Walker - 570-295-4012; Address: 1037 Rockey Road, Logantown, PA 17747
Board of Directors:
Kenny Reeder - 570-502-4993
Taylor Lewis - 570-772-8018, lewistaylor1911@gmail.com
Caleb Killinger - 570-484-1716
John Coder - 570-263-0138
100 Beagle Lane, McClure, PA . 17841
Club Contact- Lee Mcknight
Lee McKnight (FT Secr) 704-438-1795, beaglemanlee@hotmail.com
Doug Kepner (Pres.) 717-250-2845
Rich Fultz (VP) 814-248-5338
Dave Wray (Treas.) 717-543-5841
450 Ridge Road, Zelienople, PA 16063
President - Glenn Hazlett - 724-996-4391
Vice President - Vince Jenette - 724-674-3020
Treasurer - George Prycl - 724-272-3103
Secretary - Sue Unger - 412 - 657 - 2315
Field Trial Secretary - Norm Prycl - 724-272-4131
Membership - Ryan Robertson - 412-519-5828
Mission Statement
To maintain good rabbit habitat, a good supply of rabbits and promote interest in gundog trials. Since we went from traditional brace to gundog, we have had a good influx of new young members. This fact makes a strong statement about the future of the club.
Club Grounds
272 acres mostly fenced, except for the very back of the club where trials are not run. We have a 40-acre enclosure. The grounds are mostly flat with a few hills and make for easy judging and a smooth running trial. Plenty of rabbits and kennel space. Breakfast and lunch served during trials, trailer hookups available.
From Pittsburgh, go north on I-79 approx. 30 miles. Take the Evans City exit and turn right onto Rt. 528. Make the first left onto Jodeener Road. Club is 1.5 miles on the right. From Erie, go south on I-79, take Evans City exit to Rt. 19 South to light at Rt. 528. Turn left onto Jodeener Road.
Club Judges
George Prycl AKC Field 724-935-2365
Ed Sankey AKC Field 724-971-1882
Al Dorsch AKC Field 724-816-6888
Bob Dorsch PBGA Show
515 Beagle Club Road
South Fork, PA 15956
About the Club: ​The club grounds are 105 acres with 50 acres fenced in.
Directions: Take the Sidman/ St. Michael exit from 219 between Johnstown and Ebensburg (Follow signs from route 219). Take RTE 869 N 1/4 mile to "T". Take Frankstown Road for 3 miles to Roger corner. Make a right on Mt. Hope Road. Take Mt. Hope Road 1 1/2 miles to Beagle Club Road to end at clubhouse.
175 Beagle Club Road, Carlisle, PA 17013
Objectives of the club
To encourage the breeding of pure bred Beagles, to develop and bring to perfection their natural high qualities, and to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed of Beagles in the field by holding field trails under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club.
President: Mark Malloy 125 Sloop Rd Shermansdale, PA 17090, 717-582-7269, Email: beagleman1277@comcast.net
Treasurer: John Cable 100 Beagle Club Rd Carlisle, PA 17015, 717-249-3777
Secretary: Brian Phillips 309 Faculdy Rd Duncannon, PA 17020, 717-810-8051
Grounds Chairman: John Hoke, 717-249-9339
From Pa Turnpike: Get off exit 226 ( formerly exit 16 ). Take Rte. 11 North. At bottom of the Ramp bear right. 3/10 mile to second traffic light. Turn left on Middlesex Rd. Go 2.1 miles to first crossroads, turn left on Beagle Club Rd. 3/10 mile to clubhouse on left. From 81 Northbound: get off exit 52B formerly exit 17B. Bottom of Ramp bear right on Rte 11 South. Go 7/10 mile to fourth traffic light. Turn right on Middlesex Road. Follow above directions from Middlesex Rd.
From 81 Southbound: get off exit 52 Formerly exit 17. At bottom of ramp bear right on Rte. 11 South. 3/10 mile to fourth traffic light. Turn right on Middlesex Rd. Follow above directions to Middlesex Rd.
Club Judges
Mark Malloy ( 717) 582-7269
John Cable (717) 249-3777
Brian Phillips - 14 Circle Hill Dr., Loysville, PA 17047 - (717)-275-4282
6139 Rittman Rd., Gibsonia, PA 15044 (physical address of club)
Please send mail to: Central Beagle Club, P.O. Box 119, Russellton, PA 15076
President: Pat Temple
Home: 724-265-2776 Cell: 412-303-7696 temple1940@comcast.net
Vice-President: Jerry Sutara - 724-719-8320
Treasurer: Dave Mayer - 724-602-6423 dlehrm@hotmail.com
Secretary: Rob Marks - 724-594-7705 robertmarks68@icould.com
Asst. Sec/Treasurer: Joe Puskar - 724-224-8791 jdpuskar@msn.com
Field Trial Secretary: Jim Roush - 412-216-2748 thebeaglerefuge@comcast.net
Al Martino - 724-443-7936
Tom Balentine
Chuck Menke
Jim Roush
George Shaffer
From PA Turnpike, take Exit 39 to Rt. 8 North. Go 3 miles, turn right on Bakerstown/Culmerville Road. Go about 3 miles, turn left onto Rittman Road. Club is on the right.
About the Club
Central Beagle Club is one of the oldest clubs in the country established in 1895. It is one of the original AKC member clubs. The club has 116 acres of well-maintained fenced in running grounds with a plentiful supply of rabbits. There is a large club house with sleeping quarters, rest rooms, a shower, and a large kitchen. Hospitality abounds with bon fires, home cooked meals, and comradery!
10705 Allen's Fresh Rd
Charlotte Hall MD. 20622
President: Steve Estevez 301-904-3526
Vice President: Joe Hammett
Treasurer: Ronnie Williams 301-536-6684, awil@northeastern.com
Secretary: Ronnie Williams 301-536-6684, awil@northeastern.com
Delegate: Ronnie Williams
Steve Estevez
Curtis Thomson
Ronnie Williams
John Smith
Michael Lanham
440 Crawford Rd., New Florence, PA 15944
President: Chris Hornick 814-948-5678 hornick177@comcast.net
1st VP: Bill Lichtenfels 724-676-5292
2nd VP: Russell Penrose 724-676-5389
Secretary: Joe Drugo 814-799-4747
Treasurer: John Bartosh 724-459-7443 jbartosh1@comcast.net
Field Trial Secretary: Craig Chelednik 724-549-2103 kringle2009@yahoo.com
Rt. 259 South off of Rt. 22, New Florence, follow club signs to Beagle Club.
About the Club: 160 acres (80 fenced), 2-story clubhouse with indoor plumbing, and kennel space for 75 dogs. Outstanding home cooked meals provided by amazing cooks. Hospitality is their #1 priority! The rabbit population is very good and their running grounds are fairly level.
Judges: Craig Chelednik, 724-459-0546
7850 Highway 53, East Burgaw 28425
Club Contact: Joe Eason
Joey Eason- 910-470-9931
Michael Eason- 910-470-4012
Channing Lanier- 910-309-8909
167 Beagle Run Rd, Saylorsburg PA 18353
Officers updated 12/30/20
President- Roger George. 570-657-1711
Vice President- Gary Beltz. 610-509-3899
Secretary- Mike Nelson. 570-236-3560
Treasurer- Pete Zakanycz. 610-392-4198
Field Trial Secretary- Fred Holub. 908-347-2664
Club Licensed Judges:
Ryan Grube
Jim Keiper
Tommie Lienhard
Mike Nelson
Eddie Gould
Field Trial Chairman: Roger George, Palmerton, PA 570-657-1711
From turnpike, take exit 34 to 209 North, go 10.8 miles, turn right on Kunkletown Rd., go 2.2 miles, turn left on Borger Rd., go straight at stop sign. At next stop sign, turn right and a quick left onto Princess Valley Rd. to Beagle Club at end of road.
From North, take 209 South to Brodheadsville, Weir Mt. Rd (Mr. Zs market on left), turn left, proceed 2.8 miles to Meixsell Valley Rd., turn right, proceed 1.5 miles to Beagle Run Rd., turn left, club entrance 500 ft on right (follow signs).
About the Club: 130 fenced, secure acres, modern clubhouse and kennels, located at the foothills of the beautiful Pocono Mountains.
320 Forest Lane, Elizabethtown PA 17022
Club Grounds: 73 acres totally enclosed with fencing, nice clubhouse, new kennels, easy access to major highways.
Directions: FROM HARRISBURG: Take 283 E to 743, Hershey/Elizabethtown exit. Turn right off ramp to first stop light. Take a hard left onto 241-Mt. Gretna Rd, proceed 3 miles. Turn right on Milton Grove Rd, then immediately turn left on Trail Rd. Proceed to the top of the hill, club lane on left at very top.
FROM LANCASTER AND SOUTH: Take US 30 to 283 W to Elizabethtown/Rheems exit. Turn right off exit onto Cloverleaf Rd. Follow Cloverleaf Rd to Green Tree Rd (straight), follow Green Tree Rd to "T" with Elizabethtown Rd. Turn right, go approximately 1 1/2 mile then left onto Trail Rd. Proceed to the top of the hill, club lane on left at very top.
FROM I-83/I-78: Take exit 29 Annville/Ft. Indiantown Gap from 81. Follow Rt. 934 South through Annville to "T". Turn right onto 322 W for 100 yds, then left onto 241W. Follow 241W through Mt. Wilson, turn right in Colebrook, thru Lawn. One mile past Lawn, turn left onto Milton Grove Rd, then immediately left onto Trail Rd. Proceed to top of hill, club lane on left at very top.
124 Hollow Rd, Cowansville, PA 16218
President: John Hilliard, Sr. 113 Cornetti Road, Fenelton PA 16034 jjh121665@yahoo.com 724-504-0793
Vice President: Tyler Crissman 1549 Route 422e Fenelton, Pa 16034 tylercrissman31@gmail.com
Secretary: Beverly Behm 724-452-8588
Treasurer: Mike Hockenberry 472t Claypoole Road Adrian, Pa 16210 hocksrunbeagles@gmail.com 724-545-9848
FTS: Sam Neil mnail@rocketmail.com
FTC: Frank Keene 724-445-3951
Club Grounds:
2 Fenced areas (B) 78+ acres and (C) 35+ acres. Plenty of kennel space, large clubhouse, indoor plumbing men’s and women’s, sleeping accommodations. Served daily Breakfast and Lunches, Camper hookups available.
Off Route 268: Turn at Large American Legion sign 8 miles south of Chicora, PA or 9 miles north of Kittanning, PA. Sign will be posted to the club.
Frank Keene 724-445-3951 Mike Davis 724-543-3919
Sam Neil 724-399-9936 Dave Nail 724-791-2886
Scott Rice 724-637-3402 John Hilliard Sr 724-504-0793
John Hilliard Jr 724-504-9697 Bryan Ploski 724-545-6872
Mike Hockenberry 724-545-9848 Ron Lithgow 724-545-7980
694 Beagle Club Road, McDonald PA 15057
President: Robert Smith III - 163 Camp Meeting Road, Clinton PA 15026 - 412-651-0061
Secretary: Dominic Digiulio - 716 Thornwick Drive, Pittsburgh PA. 15243 - 412-583-0867
Field Trial Secretary and PBGF Official Delegate: Samy Ismael - 1554 Cook School Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15241 - 412-715-4630
Treasurer: Paul S. Archibald - 319 East Grant Street, East Palestine, OH 44413 - 330-397-1956
1st Vice President: James Poland - 3931 Jordan St., P.O. Box 8, South Heights, PA 15081 - 724-378-8154
2nd Vice President: John Longchiek - 2105 Bigger Road, Bulgar PA 15019 - 724-470-4088
Directions: Club is off Rt. 22. South on Rt. 980, left on Beagle Club Road. Club is 1 mile on left.
1652 Anthony Run Road, Indiana, PA 15701
President: Lou Pesci - 11 Windsor Ave, Indiana, PA 15701; 724-388-5314, waterfrontcamp@yahoo.com
Vice President: Frank Reichel - 7828 Old Rt. 56 Hwy W, Indiana PA 15701; 724-599-5940, beechnutboy07@gmail.com
Secretary: Ben Miller - 3181 Rte. 286 Hwy E, Indiana PA 15701; 724-464-4529, flycaster1977@gmail.com
Treasurer: Brad Lowmaster - 1461 Ream Rd, Indiana PA 15701; 724-541-5989, bradluvs2hunt@gmail.com
Field Trial Secretary: Ben Miller - 3181 Rte. 286 Hwy E, Indiana PA 15701; 724-464-4529, flycaster1977@gmail.com
Field Trial Chairman: Dave Sharer 724-422-4624
From West, on 422 from Kittaning, 10 miles to Shelocta, ½ mile after Shelocta turn right at Beagle Club sign onto Anthony Run Rd, 1.5 miles to club on right.
From East, one mile West of Indiana make left on Parkwood Rd., go 2 miles and turn right onto Anthony Run Rd, go 2 miles and club is on left.
About the Club:
80 enclosed acres, beds and running water in the clubhouse, camper hookups, kennels, good food and excellent hospitality!
Judges: Kevin McEwen, PBGF/AKC, 724-541-5566
Brian Ruddock, PBGF/AKC, 724-465-7621
Dave Sharer, PBGF/AKC, 724-397-9693​